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Sunday, September 17, 2023, 5.00 pm
Academic Series For the Future Dvořák Prague Family Day

Tickets for this concert can be purchased online or from 1 September 2023 at the Rudolfinum Ticket Centre. Tickets cannot be purchased at the Bethlehem Chapel.

Ticket prices

390 – 290 Kč


Martin Pášma, Tomáš Ille: Dvořák as a Host

Dvořák Prague Family Day introduces children and their parents to the world of classical music in a fun way. Under both the open sky and in concert halls, they learn not only about Antonín Dvořák, but also about his contemporaries, fellow composers, personal friends and Prague as it was during Dvořák’s lifetime.

At the end of the whole day, Antonín Dvořák himself will return to the Ceremonial Hall of the Czech Technical University in Prague – Bethlehem Chapel after a year, so that he could repay the imaginary hospitality given to him by another of his friends, Norwegian composer Edvard Grieg, during last year’s festival, and could play host to him as well. It will not end with just talking – Maestro Dvořák has invited the Pilsen Philharmonic Orchestra and its conductor Chuhei Iwasaki, so that they could fill up the hall with unforgettable melodies that were penned by both world composers.

  • Dress code: casual


Chuhei Iwasaki

Chuhei Iwasaki – conductor and composer, has been attracting attention for his ability to lead symphonic, operatic and choral repertoires with poise, positioning himself as one of the most versatile young conductors. From the season 2021/2022, he was appointed new chief conductor of the Pilsen Philharmonic Orchestra.

In recent seasons Chuhei Iwasaki has collaborated with orchestras such as the Prague Radio Symphony Orchestra, Janáček Philharmonic Ostrava, Prague Chamber Orchestra, Bohuslav Martinů Philharmonic, Brno Philharmonic, Slovak State Philharmonic Kosice, Hradec Králové Philharmonic Orchestra, North Czech Philharmonic Orchestra, Hyogo PAC Orchestra, and others.

Active as both an orchestra and opera conductor, Chuhei Iwasaki has conducted the Pilsen Opera Theatre opera productions of W.  A. Mozart: Magic flute, Idomeneo, B. Smetana: Libuše, A .Dvořák: Rusalka, A. Glazunov: Ballet Manon, B. Britten: Opera ‘The little sweep’ and Curlew river, the burning fiery furnance.

Chuhei Iwasaki has appeared as a guest conductor at significant Czech festivals such as the  Prague Spring International Music Festival, Smetana’s Litomyšl International Opera Festival (Czech Republic), and at the Dvořák Prague International Music Festival.

Chuhei Iwasaki was born in Tokyo. He studied violin at the Toho Gakuen High School of Music. He continued to study the violin, and composing and then conducting at the Prague Conservatory and at The Academy of Performing Arts in Prague. From 2016 Chuhei Iwasaki is professor-conductor of the Prague Conservatory's String Orchestra.

He is also the conductor of the social music program ‘El Sistema’ in the Czech Republic. 

Chuhei Iwasaki - conductor

Pilsen Philharmonic

The Pilsen Philharmonic Orchestra, formerly the Pilsen Radio Orchestra, is an ensemble with a solid tradition and reputation and is requested on stages in the Czech Republic and abroad. The orchestra takes numerous foreign tours and performs at prestigious venues in Europe and the United States. Let us mention the halls of Gasteig in Munich, Liederhalle in Stuttgart, the Alte Oper in Frankfurt, the Brucknerhaus in Linz, the Stadthalle in Vienna, the Mercedes-Benz Arena in Berlin, the Tonhalle in Zürich or Rudolfinum and O2 Arena in Prague. In August 2017, they performed in the new hall of the Elbphilharmonie in Hamburg.

In recent seasons, for example the following performer with the Pilsen Philharmonic Orchestra: Tai Murray, Pascal Rogé, Lilya Zilberstein, Juliane Banse, Sergej Nakarjakov, Anne Queffélec, Jeremy Menuhin, Gautier Capucon. Ivan Ženatý and Igor Ardašev. In the past seasons, the dramaturgy included soloists such as Michaela Fukačová, Julian Pflugmann, Nikita Boriso-Glebsky, and Gabriela Demeterová. In the past, these have also included Ramon Vargas, Montserrat Caballé and also a number of outstanding conductors such as sir Charles Mackerras, Václav Talich, Jiří Bělohlávek, and Libor Pešek.

The Orchestra regularly collaborates with Czech Radio and hence follows the tradition of the years 1946 - 1993 (the Pilsen Radio Orchestra). For other labels, they have recently filmed the opera Charity Day by Bohuslav Martinů, which has won several prestigious wards, Rhapsody of Antonín Dvořák or the complete works for violoncello and orchestra by Bohuslav Martinů (Petr Nouzovský & Tomáš Brauner), which was published by Dabringhaus und Grimm and was awarded the Classic Prague Award 2017 in the recording of the year category. The Pilsen Philharmonic Orchestra also holds the City of Pilsen Arts Award for the years of 2014 and 2015 in the category of outstanding cultural event of the year, specifically for the concert connected with the Year of Czech Music 2014 held in the Cathedral of St. Bartholomew in Pilsen, during which it performer the Requiem by Antonín Dvořák, and for the Artist and Totalitarianism project. In 2017, the conductor of the Pilsen Philharmonic Orchestra Tomáš Brauner was awarded the City of Pilsen Arts Award for outstanding artistic achievement for artists over 30 years, it was for the production of Dvořák’s oratorio Stabat Mater with the Pilsen Philharmonic Orchestra and the Czech Philharmonic Choir Brno. Ronald Zollman replaced Tomáš Brauner in the position of the principal conductor in September 2018, Chuhei Iwasaki is the proncipal conductor from September 2021.

The Pilsen Philharmonic participated significantly in the realization of the project Pilsen – European Capital of Culture in 2015. Since 2013, it has been the organizer of the international interdisciplinary Smetana Days Festival, and also the organizer of the chamber series Circle  of Music  Friends since 2020. The project Chance for Young Musicians has been aimed at talented youth since the 2019/2020 season and the Phl Harmonic Children´s Club for the youngest audience was opened in that season as well.

Pilsen Philharmonic

Svatopluk Schuller

The actor Svatopluk Schuller (1964) is a graduate of the Theatre Faculty of Prague’s Academy of Performing Arts (1986) in the field of stage acting.

Besides full-time theatrical engagements in Most (1986‒1995) and with Prague’s ABC Theatre (1995‒2008), he has also performed on the stages of the Karlín Musical Theatre, the National Theatre, the Rubín Theatre, the Dvořák Theatre in Příbram, and the Montmartre Theatre. Last but not least, he is also the founder of Prague’s Litera Theatre (2008), which continued the legacy of the defunct Lyry Pragensis, where he had worked previously for several years.

He has appeared in many Czech films and television series. At present, he is engaged mainly as a voice actor and works with a microphone. He has dubbed many roles, and he has lent his voice to many characters in foreign films and series. His commentary can be heard in many documentary films. He also performs regularly on Czech Radio.

Since 2015 he has been collaborating regularly with the Pilsen Philharmonic on their children’s programmes, providing verbal commentary for their programmes etc. He is increasingly involved with combinations of words and music such as Tomáš Ille’s melodrama The Proverbs of Solomon with the Czech Radio Trio.

Svatopluk Schuller - actor

Zbyněk Fric

The actor and singer Zbyněk Fric got his start at the Horácko Theatre in Jihlava, then he studied at the Academy of Performing Arts for two years and began performing in musicals. He has many big roles in musicals to his credit at theatres in Prague and elsewhere including Jesus Christ Superstar, Dracula, Rent, Hello, Dolly!, Grease, Cleopatra, The Three Musketeers, Angelika, Lucrezia Borgia, Edith Piaf ‒ The Sparrow from the Suburbs, Golem, Kudykam, A Walk Worthwhile (directed by Miloš Forman), Mydlář the Executioner, Romeo and Juliet, Monty Python’s Spamalot (Kladno Municipal Theatre), and Next to Normal at the Na Prádle Theatre.

He is also an actor in plays (Litera Theatre, Lyra Pragensis, National Theatre, ABC Theatre – The Fighter, Hold Me Fast, Love Me Slow, Kalich Theatre ‒ Splašené nůžky, Drama Club ‒ Macbeth). His film and television credits include The Last Transport, The Land Gone Wild, Rodinná pouta, Velmi křehké vztahy, Poslední sezóna, Expozitura, and Královský slib.

At the Kalich Theatre he has performed in the musicals Desire, White Dalmatian, Láska naruby, Osmý světadíl, Tajemství, Atlantida, Srdcový král, and he is still appearing in The Jungle Book, Grease, Saturday Night Fever, Voda a krev nad vodou, and the comedy Splašené nůžky.

Zbyněk Fric - actor

Michaela Katráková

Michaela Katráková je česká operní pěvkyně, sopranistka, která patří v současné době mezi naše největší pěvecké naděje. Téměř od začátku sólové dráhy stála po bohu slavných operních pěvců. V prosinci 2018 se Michaela se představila na Verdi Gala koncertě jako partnerka mexického tenoristy Ramóna Vargase, který ji po velkém úspěchu pozval na své zahraniční turné.

Poté ji mělo čekat 20. dubna 2020 vystoupení v Bratislavě po boku nejslavnější světové pěvkyně Anny Netrebko, ale bylo kvůli pandemii zrušeno.

Michaela působila v divadlech Dutch National opera a Gouda v Holandsku, Státní opeře v Kazani, Státní opeře Praha, DJKT Plzeň, v Severočeském divadle opera-balet a na dalších scénách. V divadelních rolích zazářila jako Violetta Valery od G. Verdi, Nedda od R. Leoncavallo, Anchen od C. M. von Webber, Rusalka od A. Dvořáka, Hanna Glawari z operety Veselá Vdova a další.

V květnu 2021 v rámci 300. výročí blahořečení sv. Jana Nepomuckého vystoupila po boku slavné české pěvkyně Evy Urbanové s orchestrem pražského Národního divadla pod taktovkou Davida Švece na galakoncertu, jejž vysílala Česká televize.

Po skončení pandemie, tedy od roku 2021, je Michaela stále aktivní pěvkyní. Od r. 2023 ji čekají představení v divadlech, vystoupení a koncerty v České republice a od druhé poloviny sezony i turné do zahraničí.

Michaela Katráková

Bethlehem Chapel

The Bethlehem Chapel is one of the most important landmarks in Prague. The original building, dating from 1391 and closely associated with the reform movement of Master Jan Hus, was torn down. A modern replica was built at the same site in the 1850s based on a design by the important architect Jaroslav Fragner. At present, the Bethlehem Chapel serves as ceremony hall for the Czech Technical University. It is the site of not only graduation ceremonies for the schools students, but also various cultural and social events.